Embark on the Ultimate Combined East Africa’s Safari  Expedition

Experience a world of wonder in East Africa, where diverse landscapes converge to create a tapestry of experiences. Here’s why East Africa stands as the unparalleled destination for a combined safari:

1. Cross-Border Wonders

  • Masai Mara-Serengeti Marvel: Witness the breathtaking Great Migration, where over 2 million wildebeest, zebras, and antelopes traverse the Masai Mara (Kenya) and Serengeti (Tanzania), showcasing nature’s grand spectacle.
  • Volcanic Thrills: Explore the dual allure of Rwanda and Uganda, where volcanic landscapes like the Virunga Mountains provide a dramatic backdrop to gorilla trekking adventures.

2. Wildlife Extravaganza

  • Big 5 Bounty: Enjoy a seamless encounter with the Big 5 across renowned parks such as Amboseli (Kenya), Ngorongoro Crater (Tanzania), and Akagera (Rwanda).
  • Gorilla Haven: Immerse yourself in the lush rainforests of Bwindi Impenetrable Forest (Uganda) and Volcanoes National Park (Rwanda), home to over half the world’s mountain gorilla population.

3. Cultural Riches

  • Maasai Heritage: Engage with the Maasai people in Kenya and Tanzania, experiencing their rich cultural traditions, from vibrant dances to traditional ceremonies.
  • Rwandan Resilience: Discover the inspiring story of Rwanda’s recovery, exploring Kigali’s Genocide Memorial and embracing the nation’s spirit of unity and progress.

4. Conservation Triumphs

  • Community-Led Initiatives: Participate in community-based conservancies in Kenya, contributing to sustainable tourism that empowers local communities.
  • Rwandan Conservation: Witness Rwanda’s commitment to conservation, where efforts like Kwita Izina celebrate the successful protection and growth of the country’s mountain gorilla population.

5. Adventure Beyond Safaris

  • Zanzibar Oasis: Extend your journey to the tropical paradise of Zanzibar (Tanzania), where historic Stone Town and pristine beaches offer a perfect blend of history and relaxation.
  • Nile Source Exploration: In Uganda, trace the Nile to its source at Jinja, partake in thrilling water activities, and experience the captivating beauty of the Sipi Falls.

East Africa, Your Combined Safari Destination

East Africa transcends the boundaries of a traditional safari, weaving together wildlife wonders, cultural treasures, and conservation triumphs. Statistics come alive as you traverse borders, encountering the myriad facets of East Africa’s combined safari brilliance. Choose East Africa for an expedition that seamlessly combines the best of nature, culture, and adventure.

, , , , , , , , , 16 Days Easy
This road trip combines two famous East African countries Kenya & Tanzania. Start from Amboseli for the magnificent Kilimanjaro, Lake Naivasha, Lake Nakuru, Masai Mara...
Next Departure Jul 26 Jul 27 Jul 28
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, , , , , , , , 12 Days Easy
The Kenya-Tanzania cross-border 360-degree circuit safari exposes you to some of the best game parks in the East African region filled with abundant wildlife and...
Next Departure Jul 26 Jul 27 Jul 28
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, , , , , , , , , , , , 14 Days Easy
This is a short but very exciting safari covering four of the most popular East African countries namely Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania - using...
Next Departure Jul 26 Jul 27 Jul 28
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, , , , , , , , , , , , 14 Days Easy
This 14-day safari covers four of the most popular East African Safari countries, Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania. You will be using two Visas. An...
Next Departure Jul 26 Jul 27 Jul 28
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Combined Kenya Tanzania Safaris

Embark on the Ultimate Kenya and Tanzania Combined Safari

Unlock the extraordinary by choosing a combined safari in Kenya and Tanzania, a journey enriched with statistics that underscore its unrivaled allure:

1. The Great Migration Spectacle

  • Statistics: Over 1.5 million wildebeest, 200,000 zebras, and 350,000 gazelles traverse the Masai Mara (Kenya) and the Serengeti (Tanzania) annually.
  • Unique Experience: Witness the astounding river crossings in the Mara and the vast Serengeti plains, a spectacle captured by National Geographic and BBC.

2. Breathtaking Landscapes:

  • Kilimanjaro’s Majesty: Tanzania hosts Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa’s highest peak, drawing trekkers and adventurers to its challenging slopes.
  • Kenyan Panorama: Revel in the diverse scenery, from the Rift Valley’s escarpments in Kenya to the Ngorongoro Crater’s expansive caldera in Tanzania.

3. The Big 5 Extravaganza

  • Kenyan Riches: Amboseli National Park in Kenya boasts one of the densest concentrations of elephants globally.
  • Tanzanian Abundance: The Ngorongoro Crater in Tanzania offers a natural haven for the Big 5 amidst breathtaking landscapes.

4. Conservation Triumphs

  • Kenyan Innovations: Laikipia Conservancy in Kenya showcases successful community-led conservation initiatives.
  • Tanzanian Commitment: Discover Tanzania’s conservation triumphs, including efforts to protect the endangered black rhino in the Serengeti.

5. Cultural Immersion

  • Maasai Heritage: Engage with Maasai communities in both Kenya and Tanzania, gaining insights into their ancient traditions.
  • Local Encounters: Explore local villages near the Serengeti and Masai Mara, fostering connections beyond wildlife encounters.

6. Beach Retreats and Beyond

  • Zanzibar’s Charms: Conclude your adventure with a beach retreat in Zanzibar, where a historic Stone Town meets pristine beaches.
  • Kenyan Coast Bliss: Consider the allure of Kenya’s coastal gems, offering a perfect blend of relaxation and Swahili culture.

7. Seamless Border Crossings

  • Efficiency: East Africa’s well-coordinated border crossings between Kenya and Tanzania ensure a smooth and hassle-free journey.
  • Enhanced Exploration: Seamlessly move from the iconic plains of the Masai Mara to the boundless Serengeti, maximizing your safari experience.

Explore Kenya and Tanzania your Safari of a Lifetime

With a harmonious blend of wildlife wonders, cultural treasures, and conservation marvels, a combined safari in Kenya and Tanzania emerges as the quintessential African adventure. The statistics come alive as you traverse these two nations, unveiling a panorama of nature’s grandeur and cultural richness. Your journey transcends boundaries, creating a tapestry of experiences that redefine the essence of an East African safari.

, , , , , , , , , 16 Days Easy
This road trip combines two famous East African countries Kenya & Tanzania. Start from Amboseli for the magnificent Kilimanjaro, Lake Naivasha, Lake Nakuru, Masai Mara...
Next Departure Jul 26 Jul 27 Jul 28
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Next Departure Jul 26 Jul 27 Jul 28
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, , , , , , , , 12 Days Easy
The Kenya-Tanzania cross-border 360-degree circuit safari exposes you to some of the best game parks in the East African region filled with abundant wildlife and...
Next Departure Jul 26 Jul 27 Jul 28
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, , , , , , , , , , , , 14 Days Easy
This is a short but very exciting safari covering four of the most popular East African countries namely Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania - using...
Next Departure Jul 26 Jul 27 Jul 28
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, , , , , , , , , , , , 14 Days Easy
This 14-day safari covers four of the most popular East African Safari countries, Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania. You will be using two Visas. An...
Next Departure Jul 26 Jul 27 Jul 28
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Combined Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda

Embark on the Ultimate East African Safari Trilogy: Kenya, Uganda, and Rwanda Combined in One Safari 

Dive into a comprehensive East African safari that seamlessly blends the enchantments of Kenya, Uganda, and Rwanda. Let the statistics and allure of these three nations paint a vivid picture of the ultimate safari adventure:

1. Gorilla Encounters Extraordinaire

  • Uganda’s Prized Possession: Home to over half of the world’s mountain gorillas, Bwindi Impenetrable Forest in Uganda offers a unique opportunity to encounter these gentle giants.
  • Rwandan Conservation Triumph: Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda is a sanctuary for mountain gorillas and showcases the success of conservation efforts.

2. Big Game Thrills in Kenya

  • Masai Mara’s Diversity: Kenya’s Masai Mara boasts an abundance of wildlife, with over 95 species of mammals, 570 species of birds, and the iconic Big 5.
  • Migration Marvel: Witness the Great Wildebeest Migration, a spectacle that involves millions of animals crossing the Mara River, captured by the lens of wildlife enthusiasts worldwide.

3. Birding Extravaganza in Uganda

  • Avian Diversity: Uganda hosts over 1,000 bird species, making it a paradise for birdwatchers. From the elusive Shoebill to vibrant sunbirds, the diversity is unmatched.
  • Murchison Falls Symphony: Explore the rich birdlife along the Nile at Murchison Falls National Park, where over 450 bird species reside.

4. Cultural Immersion Across Borders

  • Maasai Heritage in Kenya: Engage with the Maasai communities in Kenya, known for their rich cultural heritage and traditional ceremonies.
  • Ugandan Traditions: Encounter the vibrant cultures of Uganda, from the Baganda to the Batwa Pygmies, each with unique traditions and rituals.
  • Rwandan Resilience: Discover the resilience and warmth of the Rwandan people, who have transformed their nation into a beacon of progress and unity.

5. Unique Landscapes Unveiled

Kenya’s Rift Valley: Explore the dramatic landscapes of the Rift Valley in Kenya, where towering escarpments and expansive plains create a photographer’s paradise.
Uganda’s Enigmatic Rainforests: Venture into the heart of Uganda’s rainforests, where the lush greenery and diverse ecosystems harbor incredible biodiversity.
Rwandan Highlands: Traverse the highland landscapes of Rwanda, characterized by misty hills, serene lakes, and the breathtaking Volcanoes National Park.

6. Conservation Success Stories

Kenyan Innovations: Encounter community-led conservation initiatives in Kenya, where local communities actively participate in protecting their natural heritage.
Uganda’s Rhino Sanctuary: Visit the Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary in Uganda, a testament to successful rhino reintroduction efforts.
Rwandan Commitment: Experience Rwanda’s commitment to conservation, from gorilla protection to sustainable tourism practices.

7. Seamless Transitions

Efficient Border Crossings: East Africa’s efficient border crossings between Kenya, Uganda, and Rwanda ensure a smooth transition, allowing you to explore diverse landscapes seamlessly. Travel through the three countries with only one visa.

Start your Adventure With a Unforgettable Tri-Nation Safari

A combined safari across Kenya, Uganda, and Rwanda offers a symphony of experiences—gorilla encounters, Big 5 thrills, vibrant cultures, and breathtaking landscapes. The statistics and stories unfold as you journey through these three nations, creating a tapestry of unparalleled richness and diversity. Your East African safari trilogy promises not just a vacation but a transformative exploration of nature, culture, and conservation across borders.

, , , , , , , , , , , , 14 Days Easy
This is a short but very exciting safari covering four of the most popular East African countries namely Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania - using...
Next Departure Jul 26 Jul 27 Jul 28
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, , , , , , , , , , , , 14 Days Easy
This 14-day safari covers four of the most popular East African Safari countries, Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania. You will be using two Visas. An...
Next Departure Jul 26 Jul 27 Jul 28
Available through out the year:
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