Hotels In Amboseli National Park

Eco-friendly camps offers stunning views of Mount Kilimanjaro and Wildlife Upclose.

Luxury Lodges​ in Amboseli National Park

Elewana Tortilis Camp 2

Elewana Tortilis Camp

Elewana Tortilis Camp is a luxury safari lodge nestled on the edge of Amboseli National Park, renowned for its its eco-friendly ethos.
Ol-tukai Lodge 8

Ol Tukai Lodge

Ol Tukai Lodge, a luxury lodge nestled in the heart of Amboseli National Park, and its known for its stunning views of Mount Kilimanjaro and abundant wildlife.
Tawi Lodge6

Tawi lodge

Tawi Lodge is an eco-friendly camp that offers stunning views of Mount Kilimanjaro and a close-up experience with African wildlife

Midrange Lodges in Amboseli National Park

Satao Elerai Camp1

Elerai Camp

Elerai Camp is a beautiful midrange lodge located in Amboseli National Park, offering stunning views of Mount Kilimanjaro and the vast African plains.
Amboseli Serena Safari Lodge​

Amboseli Serena Safari Lodge

Amboseli Serena Lodge is a stunning luxury safari lodge nestled in the heart of Amboseli National Park, famous for its majestic views of Mount Kilimanjaro.
Kibo Safari Camp 9

Kibo Safari Camp

Kibo Safari Camp is a midrange safari lodge located near the entrance of Amboseli National Park. It is an ideal choice for families, and couples.
Tulia Camp8

Tulia Camp

Tulia Camp is a midrange lodge in the heart of Amboseli National Park. Tulia, which means “calm” in Swahili, lives up to its name by offering a peaceful retreat.
Amboseli Sopa Lodge5

Amboseli Sopa Lodge

Amboseli Sopa Lodge is a beautiful midrange lodge located within the shadow of Mount Kilimanjaro, offering breathtaking views.